In a remarkable blend of theatrical artistry and cinematic magic, “Spirited Away: Live on Stage” is set to captivate audiences on HBO Max starting December 24. This Japanese-language stage adaptation, expertly crafted by Tony winner John Caird, springs from the enchanting world of Studio Ghibli’s Spirited Away, the 2001 Oscar-winning animated film by Hayao Miyazaki. Originally premiered at Tokyo’s Imperial Theatre in 2022 and later streamed on Hulu Japan, the production is a testament to the timeless allure of Miyazaki’s masterpiece, brought to life with a cast of 32 performers and over 50 intricately designed puppets by Toby Olié.
John Caird, renowned for his work on “Les Misérables,” adapted the stage production alongside Maoko Imai, injecting new vibrancy into the beloved story. The show’s unique casting saw Kanna Hashimoto and Mone Kamishiraishi alternating in the lead role of Chihiro, while Mari Natsuki and Romi Park doubled as the sorceress Yubaba. The enigmatic No Face (Kaonashi), portrayed by Koharu Sugawara and Tomohiko Tsujimoto, demanded an ensemble of 12 puppeteers in scenes where the character “runs wild.”
The play’s narrative follows the young Chihiro, who stumbles into a mysterious world while moving to a new home with her parents. As her parents are transformed into pigs, Chihiro must navigate this strange land to return to the human world. This adaptation preserves the film’s essence and expands on its fantasy, making it a unique experience for the audience.
After its successful run in Tokyo, which concluded on April 29, 2022, and a tour across Japan, the production is gearing up for its next chapter in London, with performances set to start on April 30, 2024. The U.S. audience, however, has been left in suspense over which version of the double-cast performances will be streamed on HBO Max or if a combined broadcast is in the works.
“Spirited Away: Live on Stage” represents a significant milestone in bridging the worlds of anime and theatre. Its debut on HBO Max marks a new chapter in Miyazaki’s Spirited Away legacy and signifies a growing appreciation for diverse theatrical forms. As viewers await this enchanting journey, the production stands as a shining example of the power of storytelling across different mediums.